How We Care for Our Fish
The cool waters of Tasmania is the home of our Atlantic salmon. We care about the health, welfare, and quality of our fish. We have a dedicated welfare team for our salmon that follow a comprehensive welfare management plan.
Pictured to the right is one of our veterinarians in fish health. He is performing a routine gill check to monitor the health and wellbeing of our salmon.
Our Salmon feed is formulated by specialised aquatic nutritionists and contain vitamins and minerals. Our feed does not contain any growth hormones. We provide different diets to the fish based on their needs, to ensure they always have enough energy for our salmon to thrive whilst also supplying all the essential nutrients for healthy growth.
We don’t dye the salmon. Salmon get their flesh colour from their diet, whether wild or farmed. Wild salmon consume other marine life in their diet which contain a healthy antioxidant called astaxanthin. For our responsibly farmed salmon, we add this ingredient to our fish feed to mimic the diet of wild salmon and provide the healthy antioxidant they need.
Learn more about our Fish Welfare here.